Tuesday, September 27, 2005

George W. Bush

Whats a blog based on insulting others without having the President of the USA analyzed. But alas, this might be one post where I dont insult someone. That will come later with John Kerry or Ted Kennedy or some up and coming welfare supporting leader.

I will say I am a Bush supporter and still support him today even though our country continues to appear on the news like it is going to crap. For all the insults about his intelligence or lack thereof, the repeated no WMD argument by Democrats, there is no one who wants or wanted to be President who would have handled the crisis we have faced as a nation since he took office better then Bush has.

The minute he took office he faced something not many other Presidents have ever faced, the legitimacy of his victory in the election. What a way to start a job. As much as I hate Bill Clinton and would rather see almost anyone else be President, I never stood up and said he did not win the election and therefore should not be President. Bush faced this situation with class unlike Al Gore, who is one of the worst human beings on the planet. No matter what you say about what went on in Florida, Bush was elected through the proper channels and Im pretty sure he got more votes in Florida then Gore, even if it was only five more votes because a thousand morons couldnt punch a ballot and voted for Pat Buchanon when they meant to vote for Gore. Sorry, but we cant go back and ask someones intentions after they voted because the result was close and didnt go their way. How many recounts do you need?

Once Bush was in office, he hardly has his feet wet and 9/11 happens. The nation rallies around him and no matter what lead to 9/11, and whose fault it was, Bush did the right thing by responding quickly and decisively taking out Afghanistan and putting pressure on Saddam. We decided to go in to Iraq because of the perceived fear of WMDs and the fact Saddam failed to allow inspectors in to his country as ordered by the United Nations, the biggest waste of money the world knows(Woodrow Wilson must be turning over in his grave seeing how it is run today). Everyone supported the intelligence and the United Nations sanctions including the Democrats who were suddenly patriotic as long as they didnt have to make the final decision to invade and take real action. The intelligence was wrong and no WMDs were found. That is not Bushes fault but boy could others turn on him for political gain and now we have protesters like we are in another Vietnam.

Saddam was someone who played with the minds of the UN and the west like he was this threat when he probably didnt have five missiles in his arsenal, much less some WMDs. But considering his past actions of gassing his own people, we couldnt be sure what he had. If he had allowed the UN in as required, maybe things would have been different so the invasion of Iraq was his fault, not something created by Bush for whatever argument you want to make on a particular day. This was not a war about oil or Haliburton or whatever crap the Democrats want to say.

I like Bush because he has the balls to stick by his guns even when things get tough and his own supporters are abandoning him. He knows the war on Terrorism is one like no other started by the terrorists when they flew planes into the World Trade Center. While no one wants to lose young men to war, the amount lost to date is really minor compared to prior wars fought for our freedom. If we dont think this war is about our freedom and way of life as much as WW 2 then we are blind to the realities of the 21st century. If we stop fighting wars because people who volunteered to serve might die, then we might as well give Osama Bin Laden the keys to the White House. Times change, enemies change, and the wars must be fought. Considering there hasnt been a terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11 by these Muslim assholes, something is being done right. Do opponents suddenly support Bush again if another 9/11 happens? Whats next, another terrorist attack and Bush is blamed for that because he needed to unite the country? Bush cant win if there is an attack or if there isnt. Thinking these lazy ass Iraqis, who wouldnt fight for their own freedom or stand up to terror when they can get the USA to do it, are going to create a Democracy is far fetched, but Bush cant say that because even he has to be politically correct sometimes. He needs a base to fight this war and the promise of democracy is not really a reality until the people of Iraq stand up in bigger numbers and fight for their freedom. I would rather a war be in Baghdad then New York City if we have to fight it.

In todays world, you cannot have a pussy for a President when it comes to Foreign Policy and Bush, while he could be doing some things better, is doing better then any Democrat who might be President.

As for the domestic front, the economy is good, the jobs are good, mortgage rates are low, yet all we hear about is the high gas prices. What a joke. Yeah we would like to have $1.25 gallon gas, but if it isnt so what. What if the gas was low and the mortgage rates were 8% like they were just a few years ago? People would be paying more for housing then they would be saving in gas and many who have bought houses in the past four years because of the low rates would still be living in an apartment and building no equity, not to mention not living the dream of owning a home. But we dont hear about all the people buying houses who couldnt have afforded it years ago. We just hear about gas. When statistics on sales of new and existing housing seem to be going up, something is being done right in the areas that matter.

The bottom line is Bush stands for the beliefs that keep this country strong domestically and overseas and my freedom is important. What others say who live in other countries yet still want to move here does not matter. These people who use race to blame Bush for their problems have issues that go beyond a hurricane in Louisiana. For Bush to put up with all of this crap and continue forward means he will have my continued support. The hatred and jealousy that is manifested by people through the 24hr news and blogging world only makes what he does appear more visible. Its about time those who support him stand up and say so and President Bush, I have your back. Keep up the good work and dont let these clueless idiots bring you down. Your supporters know what you are doing is in the best interests of our country and you have saved more lives by taking action then those that have been lost fighting a war that needs to be fought.


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