Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sean Hannity

There is nothing worse then someone who has the right message, but sounds like a douchebag delivering it. This folks is Sean Hannity. He makes me ashamed to be a Republican.

Every day he is on the radio or TV whining at the unfair attacks on Republicans or the philosophies and actions of Democrats. While he is typically on the money with what he says, he sounds like a kid who has been bullied and is whining at how unfair it is. He can attack someone like his opinion is the only one, but he cant take a response back without sounding like a baby. He talks about being a patriot and tries to be so important, but Sean, Rush Limbaugh you are not. Its time for you to go away. I dont want my message delivered by someone like you.

Being right means not acting like a little kid when someone questions what you are saying or offers an alternative opinion. Your responses are monotonous and you lack creativity when you should show some confidence. The bottom line is you suck and you need to be replaced. Neil Boortz could do your job a lot better.


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