Saturday, October 01, 2005

Oprah Winfrey

I hate this self righteous piece of monkey crap. I am amazed that someone can have an hour long TV show each day and make all that money for doing it. I am no expert on why people get paid so much just to talk on TV, but she knows how to build an empire that is for sure.

I always thought money could buy happiness, look at ugly ass Donald Trump and the bevy of young women he scores with and impregnates, but Oprah is the exception to the rule. No matter how much money she has, she will be a lonely fat pig who goes home each night to a bed of lonliness. She talks like she is the big helper of the world and wants to right the wrongs but her own life is a mess.

The hypocrisy of this womans life continues to amaze me. I just wish she would go away.


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