Sunday, October 02, 2005

Lynndie England

This girl is the poster child for the underbelly of our society and and I actually have a little sympathy for her despite the fact she was beaten with an ugly stick. If they had a Ms. USA pagent for the ugliest woman in the country who wasnt born with an obvious physical defect, she would have a chance to win.

Lynndie was doomed the day she was born. Her parents are stupid and inbred to a degree. Their genes are just messed up. Once she was born, it is assumed she will be nothing more then a night manager at a chicken farm. Who gets educated when their parents are dumb and couldnt achieve in school. Those arent the kind of people who encourage their kids to succeed. Success is a double wide on a piece of land in the country with payments that arent more then the car payments of the cheap Japanese import that they drive.

As she gets older and starts accepting her lot in life, she starts getting fat, her head becomes the shape of an oversized melon and she gets the short hair. Its all so predictable. What kind of man do you think she will attract with that life.

She joins the military hoping to see places other then her hometown but unfortunately she gets to go to Iraq and work with her male counterparts who are controlling wife beater types who either become Deputies or work as a prison guard unless they are sadistic and work in a chicken farm for pleasure. She is horny like we all are and lays down with the first psycopath who is nice to her. My guess is she got pregnant the first time they had sex. People who shouldnt have kids get pregnant easier then people who will be quality parents. Now she has a baby and as a follower did some stupid things that cause her to end up in jail for the most important years of her childs life. This girl shouldnt be in jail, but when you are inbred and stupid, bad things tend to find you a little easier and you arent in a position to make a defense that carries any weight because people are too busy making fun of your stupidity.

Im sure that son of hers is going to turn out to be a positive human being. His parents are in jail, which may actually be a help to him, but once he finds out he is the son of Jeffrey Dahmer and Lizzie Borden, he is going to be statistic in the welfare and prison system. The cycle continues.

The people who somehow break this cycle and overcome things to make a positive life despite this background should receive our highest praise. It is very hard to do because most people need love and encouragement from intelligent parents to have a chance in life and this girl didnt get it. The expectations are so low that people who come from this background who have 5 kids by 5 different men and manage to land a job where they get to use the English language in their job while getting off welfare write letters to the editors of their local newspaper bragging of their achievements. Most still laugh at them though.

Those who live this cycle are a huge part of our society and we only see them when they can be used for political gain by the Democratic party who does not care about them, but can use them for their own benefit come election time. They are put out front to push a liberal agenda and they feel important when they are really just showing the world that stupid people make up a big part of our society. Otherwise, they are living their miserable lives and the breeding will only continue.

Good luck Lynndie, you shouldnt be in jail, but did you really expect any other outcome.


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