Monday, October 03, 2005

Paris Hilton

Is it really a shock I am going to write about this tramp. You knew it was coming. I really wanted to think of something positive about her before I wrote this because I didnt want it to seem like I thought so little of her, but I honestly couldnt think of anything. I figured her having just broke off her engagement would be a good time to say what I had to say about her.

This tramp has absolutely no redeeming qualities other then her ability to market herself to a public obsessed with sex and stupidity. Normally when I talk bad about a woman it can be inferred that I am jealous or really upset because she is hot and I have no chance of ever scoring with her while some tatooed asshole who cant write a sentence gets to bang her. This isnt the case with Paris. This girl looks like death on a stick with a fake tan and some bad hair extensions. I dont care that her breasts are small as there are plenty of good looking women with small breasts and I dont even mind that she is thin although I prefer women with a little weight on them. But when you look into those eyes and see nothing of substance combined with no smile and a me first attitude, why would anyone want to be around her muchless marry her. I mean that video she did with her boyfriend was indicative of the kind of chick she is sexually. She is the kind that just lays there, shows no emotion, and seems disinterested while she is engaging in a sexual act. At least if you are going to be a tramp, act like one in the bedroom. She is a prime example that men, myself included, will sleep with just about anyone if you make it easy on us. If you are good looking, we probably wouldnt even care about how many men you have slept with. But Paris is so skanky and ugly looking that she is a turnoff, I think many men would run away from her even if she continues to voluntarily spread her legs like she is a 7-11.

Yeah she is rich and has plenty of money, but the only person that makes her look even slightly attractive is that skeleton looking twin of her Nicole Richie. She even make Britney Spears and Ashley Simpson seem like they have talent. What does she do other then go to parties and pose half naked for mens magazines read by guys whose dream girl is so out of their league they might even think Paris is attractive. I tried to watch the Simple Life once, but just looking at Paris and Nicole and their lazy me first attitude made them even a turn off.

Some women can act like complete bitches and have an arrogant attitude and get away with it. Paris cannot. I dont care how rich your family is, you are still a piece of trash with no upbringing. Her parents have always let her behave like that becuase they are piece of crap human beings too. Im glad you have money Paris, but you are really an embarrassement to the human race. If I have to see you in another tight or revealing piece of clothing, I am going to puke. I walk down the street and see women who look better then you every day and they arent in a magazine or on TV. Even the women that are bitches that I hate I atleast admire because they know they are hot and if I dont like their attitude tough on me because I still want to have sex with them.

Paris breaking her engagement because she is worried about getting divorced or is too young is a laugh. I dont think she ever had any intention of marrying that Greek dork and Im sure that kids parents are glad he isnt marrying some gold digger who will take half his money the minute he leaves her for sleeping around on him. The only thing Tori Spelling has on this ho is pair of fake breasts. They are all Hollywood brats but Paris is one of the few that gets publicity despite the fact she is a sexual dud and really unattraactive when standing next to anyone but maybe Nicole Richie.

I wonder who she will be dating next and who will be the lucky benefit of her STDs. Somehow I dont think a date with Tommy Lee is all that far off.


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