Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tom Delay

My party is going to shit and this guy is a big part of it whether he is guilty under the eyes of the law or not.

I dont care how much BS Tom thinks that indictment is, he is a fool for putting himself near enough to the line that it looks like he crossed it. I wont say he is or isnt guilty, lets wait for the facts, but I dont care how biased a prosecutor is, someone as powerful as Delay does not get indicted unless he is in to some shady stuff. He has always been someone to see how much he can bend campaign finance laws without breaking them, but he needs to make sure he is covered in every way because if there is even the slightest reason to find him guilty, it will happen.

What makes this worse is that while a guy like Delay is doing a great deal to help the party stay in power, Bush in an instant kisses it all away by nominating that idiot female for a judge. The bottom line is many of us voted for Bush because we wanted our conservative values on the court. I want another Scalia or Thomas on the Court. Who cares if the Democrats dont like it. They didnt win. Do you think if Kerry was in office we would be getting nominees less liberal then Ginsburg? Hardly. In a perfect world you dont have biased people on the Supreme Court, but we do. If we have the chance to get our people in there we do it. This caving in to Democratic negativity is going to cost Bush the card he had to play to make all the difference in the success of his Presidency.

It just seems like the guy I voted for folded and his cronies are seeking out attention when they should be a little more mindful that of what is going on around them. That being said, no matter what Bush has done or how frustrated I am with Delay's antics, I would never vote for a guy like John Kerry or either Clinton for that matter.


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