Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ted Kennedy

What a piece of shit this guy is. Back when he was healthy and a young drunken philanderer, he drove a car off a bridge in an area he lived in and should have been very familiar with, only to kill a young woman while he left the scene and covered his ass. Im not going to analyze that whole scene at it took place when I was a newborn, but then I read today about he helped rescue some fisherman. What a joke.

Forget this guys crazy liberal politics, but the only thing he is going to rescue is a buffett table. My guess is he cant walk up a flight of stairs without feeling sick to his stomach. So I had to look twice when I saw the word Kennedy and rescue in the same story. This isnt even a story. Its just a blurb brought by the media to score Kennedy some points with those who dont even take time to read the story.

Basically what he did was that he was walking his fat ass on the beach and he saw some fisherman trapped in the water. He and a friend try to take a boat out to save them(notice it does not say Kennedy took a boat out, and my guess is he was just standing there while his friend got the boat in the water). The boat was too heavy and was pushed back by the rough seas(Kennedy's weight maybe played a factor in that), so they essentially turned back and then the fisherman were rescued by others.

Please tell me how Kennedy helped rescue anyone and why this is a story. He probably called the story in. This is another guy who seeks recognition for doing nothing while appearing to do more then they actually did. People like this are narcisists who have no sense of what it is like to be a real human being who truly cares about others.

Kennedy will be like this until he dies. What a piece of liberal shit.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Michael Bamberger

This is the asshole reporter who decided to call the rules police on Michelle Wie after a tournament was over and not when the rule happened costing her what really is a small amount of money, yet still more then most people make in a year, and making her first tournament as a pro memorable for the wrong reasons.

Its unfortunate we live in a society where people like to see others fail. Those who pursue jobs as reporters are often those who just never had the talent to do anything so they report on it and try to act like they are all buddy buddy with the athletes or stars they report on. This is not going to be the last time Michelle Wie is scrutinized because people such as this idiotic reporter want to see her fail.This situation is not about Michelle not playing by the rules or someone wanting to report an infraction to right a wrong, it is about the timing of someone who simply wanted to see her fail. If this jerk reporter really said something because he didnt want to be complicit or was just doing the right thing, he would have said something immediately, Wie would take her penalty, and then sign a correct scorecard not causing her to be disqualified. To wait until the next day when she was done with her round to get the process started indicates the true intent of this reporter which was to embarrass Wie. How pathetic can a person get.

Im not a Wie fan and dont really care about golf, but this situation is so obvious. Its no wonder these athletes seperate themselves, act arrogant, and question peoples motives. There are too many people around who do things out of spite just to see others fail so a story can be created.

I wouldnt blame Michelle if she never speaks to a reporter again and I would hope she would never allow SI to do any kind of story on her. I am a 25 yr subscriber to SI and it is a shame that maybe this jerks behavior will prevent me from being able to read stories in the future about athletes who will now tell SI to kiss off when they want a story.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Black Community

I know this is not an individual and I could post daily on a race of people, but that Nazi rally and the resulting violence from it made me wonder. Until I actually saw the reports, I was made to think by the liberal media that it was the Nazis who were destroying property and causing violence, but instead it was the blacks who were pissed off because the Nazi's wanted to march.

Why is it when someone pisses you off or you feel your race being insulted do you destroy the town in which you live? No matter how wrong those Nazi's are in their opinions, why do you respond by destroying business, burning things, and attacking police vehicles right in your own neighborhood? Why do you think no one wants to bring business to the black community and white people dont want to live near black people. If the Nazi's are marching, go hang out somewhere else and wait until their march is done. You dont see a bunch of white guys showing up at the million man march. They just go somewhere else and wait until they are gone. By commiting violent acts and destroying property all you do is make the Nazis schedule another rally because they want to see you destroy more of your neighborhood. If you just ignored them, the idiots would go away.

You have to be the dumbest people on earth. Without getting into the stupidity and flat out foolishness of your violent behavior, why would you live somewhere and then destroy where you live when a group who does not even live in your neighborhood pisses you off. You just compound your status as victims, which is what you want i guess so you can continue to have something to blame the white man on and keep the welfare check coming, but it makes no sense. Wouldnt you want to live in a neighborhood that is safe, where businesses can prosper, and people want to move there? I see smart successful blacks move into white sub divisions and integrate with them yet whites dont move into black neighborhoods. When are you people going to understand what you are doing to yourselves. The successful blacks have figured it out.

Its kind of like saying the dumbest monkeys are the ones that crap in their own nest or whatever that study was.

I guess its just a black thing and therefore I wouldnt understand.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Harriet Miers

George Bush blew it with this nomination for the Supreme Court. One of the benefits of winning the Presidency is having the ability to pick who you want on the Court should an opening become available. The 2000 election was vital because the winner would likely get to nominate 2-3 justices during their presidency, especially if they won a second term. Having that opportunity to shape the Court is very important. This world is going to crap and what is becoming morally and socially acceptable is ridiculous.

While the Court does not tell us what to do, their decisions can make it hard on these liberals who want to push an agenda that has ruined what this country stands for. If the Court stays with a majority of conservatives, there is still hope that the liberal ruining of this country will be slowed down, atleast a little.

Roberts was a home run and that choice alone makes Bush a successful President no matter what else he does. But then to be given a second chance at a home run only to swing with your eyes closed and hoping you hit it, is setting yourself up for failure.

While you dont need to be a judge to be on the Supreme Court, it sure would be nice to know you arent nominating someone who used to be a Democrat. Sheesh. Im sure she is nice and smart enough, but a woman who goes through life by choice not having any kids or marrying is not the kind of person I want on the Court. She is not a part of what shapes and molds every day society. Im sure she is a nice person, but her voting record will be inconsistent. Just wait and watch.

There was a whole list of conservative judges with track records who could be nominated and end up being another Scalia or Thomas. We need that. Who cares if the Democrats make confirmation tough. With the numbers in the House and Senate the way they are, even a highly conservative judge will make it. Bush wimped out for the first time in his Presidency when he had the power to make a better choice. The man will never run for election again. He owes no favors so pick a certain conservative choice. Do you think the next Democratic President will skip over another Ruth Ginsberg to placate the Republicans? Yeah, right.

Miers does not excite me. She is boring and unproven and too risky a pick when she should be solid. Bush had the number one pick in the draft and drafted like he was picking a player on the second day of the draft. Maybe she will be a star and is a risky pick, but when I am on top, I want the sure thing. Bush passed over all of them.

I pray he knows what he is doing.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Joran Vandersloot

This case really bothers me and I pray my daughter is never in this kind of situation where she is going on some trip with friends or with her school and she ends up meeting foreign young men who end up doing what I think Joran did because he feels like he can get away with it which he has in this case.

Joran and the Kalpoes were the last ones to see her and I have no doubt they did wrong and crimes were committed. Their demeanors and lies after the incident says it all. If they didnt do anything wrong, their stories would have been straight. Those kids in that culture are raised on sex and scoring with tourists so they would not be embarrassed that they hooked up with Natalie with her consent or left her alive after an evening of fun if they truly did nothing wrong. I mean even after Joran gets released from jail, he has ads or blogs with his own story making it clear he likes to meet young ladies and that he is a sexually open person. Europeans dont keep their sexual prowess hidden like most Americans. While his cultural behavior is not a crime, if he truly did nothing to Natalie, he would have told the truth about it and moved on and his family would have immediately helped to find the truth.

His lies and inconsistencies, however irrelevant, need to be clarified. What are the exact statements and when were they taken. I dont care what he says now, I care what he said when he was first questioned. If his story is inconsistent about anything, and I believe it is, then the dude did something wrong. Some people may be skilled at lying and get away with what they did as a result of this skill, but people who lie have something to hide. Whether it was murder or rape, who knows, but they are hiding something.

So what happened to this girl if Joran or the Kalpoes didnt kill her? If she was left on the beach so inebriated that she couldnt get home, then Joran has her death on his hands even if he didnt do it. He should have atleast told someone at a hotel or a taxi guy that he left a really drunk girl on the beach so they could go get her is she wasnt going to let Joran take her home because she was being a drunk bitch to him and he wanted to leave. Maybe he left her because he assaulted her and didnt want to be accused. If he just left her, no matter her condition, then what happened. Did she walk into the ocean and drown? Probably not or her body would have been found. Did she get picked up by random South American cannibals who kidnap people and take them to South America or eat them on the spot? Highly unlikely, but if that is the truth then Joran is an unlucky bastard. Either way, if he is innocent, his father should have used his local island connections to help find her immediately after his son came home and told him he was with her that night.

The problems exist and the truth isnt being found out because we have a Defendant who is a prominent resident in a country with a European Culture and justice system who hates Americans giving them the most protection possible. The culture is such that the parents of this kid who are educated and wealthy did not immediately offer sympathy to the Holloway family or pledge their help to find the girl. Instead they resisted helping and protected their own. Guilty people do that, not innocent people.

It also does not help that the Holloways are rednecks from the South who have no media skills and try to project their daughter as an angel when most girls that age on atleast occasions get drunk and let their sexual inhibitions down. Ask any 18 year old in a college or party environment that some of the best girls sexually are the quiet ones who get drunk and show more sexual skills then the slutty acting types like Paris Hilton. I would bet my life Natalie Holloway was better in bed then Paris Hilton could ever hope to be. The Holloways and their daughter are fodder for the media and people to make fun of. If she was from a more cultured northern family, things would have been done differently and Joran and his boys would still be in jail.

This case to me is like the Robert Blake case. Common sense says he was guilty but he was smart enough to have her killed and get away with it. There is no physical evidence in this case either and Joran knows it. He and his father and probably the Kalpoes know what happened. Their behavior says it all. However, with no body and Joran and the Kalpoes now sticking to a story, this case will never be resolved and those slimeballs got away with murder absent a confession which will never happen.

Unfortunately you cannot convict on common sense and the Holloway family, no matter their lack of sophistication, deserve better and Natalie deserved better. Its a lesson for us all because it could happen to any of our daughters and some good old frontier justice would be coming to those murderers.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tom Delay

My party is going to shit and this guy is a big part of it whether he is guilty under the eyes of the law or not.

I dont care how much BS Tom thinks that indictment is, he is a fool for putting himself near enough to the line that it looks like he crossed it. I wont say he is or isnt guilty, lets wait for the facts, but I dont care how biased a prosecutor is, someone as powerful as Delay does not get indicted unless he is in to some shady stuff. He has always been someone to see how much he can bend campaign finance laws without breaking them, but he needs to make sure he is covered in every way because if there is even the slightest reason to find him guilty, it will happen.

What makes this worse is that while a guy like Delay is doing a great deal to help the party stay in power, Bush in an instant kisses it all away by nominating that idiot female for a judge. The bottom line is many of us voted for Bush because we wanted our conservative values on the court. I want another Scalia or Thomas on the Court. Who cares if the Democrats dont like it. They didnt win. Do you think if Kerry was in office we would be getting nominees less liberal then Ginsburg? Hardly. In a perfect world you dont have biased people on the Supreme Court, but we do. If we have the chance to get our people in there we do it. This caving in to Democratic negativity is going to cost Bush the card he had to play to make all the difference in the success of his Presidency.

It just seems like the guy I voted for folded and his cronies are seeking out attention when they should be a little more mindful that of what is going on around them. That being said, no matter what Bush has done or how frustrated I am with Delay's antics, I would never vote for a guy like John Kerry or either Clinton for that matter.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Paris Hilton

Is it really a shock I am going to write about this tramp. You knew it was coming. I really wanted to think of something positive about her before I wrote this because I didnt want it to seem like I thought so little of her, but I honestly couldnt think of anything. I figured her having just broke off her engagement would be a good time to say what I had to say about her.

This tramp has absolutely no redeeming qualities other then her ability to market herself to a public obsessed with sex and stupidity. Normally when I talk bad about a woman it can be inferred that I am jealous or really upset because she is hot and I have no chance of ever scoring with her while some tatooed asshole who cant write a sentence gets to bang her. This isnt the case with Paris. This girl looks like death on a stick with a fake tan and some bad hair extensions. I dont care that her breasts are small as there are plenty of good looking women with small breasts and I dont even mind that she is thin although I prefer women with a little weight on them. But when you look into those eyes and see nothing of substance combined with no smile and a me first attitude, why would anyone want to be around her muchless marry her. I mean that video she did with her boyfriend was indicative of the kind of chick she is sexually. She is the kind that just lays there, shows no emotion, and seems disinterested while she is engaging in a sexual act. At least if you are going to be a tramp, act like one in the bedroom. She is a prime example that men, myself included, will sleep with just about anyone if you make it easy on us. If you are good looking, we probably wouldnt even care about how many men you have slept with. But Paris is so skanky and ugly looking that she is a turnoff, I think many men would run away from her even if she continues to voluntarily spread her legs like she is a 7-11.

Yeah she is rich and has plenty of money, but the only person that makes her look even slightly attractive is that skeleton looking twin of her Nicole Richie. She even make Britney Spears and Ashley Simpson seem like they have talent. What does she do other then go to parties and pose half naked for mens magazines read by guys whose dream girl is so out of their league they might even think Paris is attractive. I tried to watch the Simple Life once, but just looking at Paris and Nicole and their lazy me first attitude made them even a turn off.

Some women can act like complete bitches and have an arrogant attitude and get away with it. Paris cannot. I dont care how rich your family is, you are still a piece of trash with no upbringing. Her parents have always let her behave like that becuase they are piece of crap human beings too. Im glad you have money Paris, but you are really an embarrassement to the human race. If I have to see you in another tight or revealing piece of clothing, I am going to puke. I walk down the street and see women who look better then you every day and they arent in a magazine or on TV. Even the women that are bitches that I hate I atleast admire because they know they are hot and if I dont like their attitude tough on me because I still want to have sex with them.

Paris breaking her engagement because she is worried about getting divorced or is too young is a laugh. I dont think she ever had any intention of marrying that Greek dork and Im sure that kids parents are glad he isnt marrying some gold digger who will take half his money the minute he leaves her for sleeping around on him. The only thing Tori Spelling has on this ho is pair of fake breasts. They are all Hollywood brats but Paris is one of the few that gets publicity despite the fact she is a sexual dud and really unattraactive when standing next to anyone but maybe Nicole Richie.

I wonder who she will be dating next and who will be the lucky benefit of her STDs. Somehow I dont think a date with Tommy Lee is all that far off.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Lynndie England

This girl is the poster child for the underbelly of our society and and I actually have a little sympathy for her despite the fact she was beaten with an ugly stick. If they had a Ms. USA pagent for the ugliest woman in the country who wasnt born with an obvious physical defect, she would have a chance to win.

Lynndie was doomed the day she was born. Her parents are stupid and inbred to a degree. Their genes are just messed up. Once she was born, it is assumed she will be nothing more then a night manager at a chicken farm. Who gets educated when their parents are dumb and couldnt achieve in school. Those arent the kind of people who encourage their kids to succeed. Success is a double wide on a piece of land in the country with payments that arent more then the car payments of the cheap Japanese import that they drive.

As she gets older and starts accepting her lot in life, she starts getting fat, her head becomes the shape of an oversized melon and she gets the short hair. Its all so predictable. What kind of man do you think she will attract with that life.

She joins the military hoping to see places other then her hometown but unfortunately she gets to go to Iraq and work with her male counterparts who are controlling wife beater types who either become Deputies or work as a prison guard unless they are sadistic and work in a chicken farm for pleasure. She is horny like we all are and lays down with the first psycopath who is nice to her. My guess is she got pregnant the first time they had sex. People who shouldnt have kids get pregnant easier then people who will be quality parents. Now she has a baby and as a follower did some stupid things that cause her to end up in jail for the most important years of her childs life. This girl shouldnt be in jail, but when you are inbred and stupid, bad things tend to find you a little easier and you arent in a position to make a defense that carries any weight because people are too busy making fun of your stupidity.

Im sure that son of hers is going to turn out to be a positive human being. His parents are in jail, which may actually be a help to him, but once he finds out he is the son of Jeffrey Dahmer and Lizzie Borden, he is going to be statistic in the welfare and prison system. The cycle continues.

The people who somehow break this cycle and overcome things to make a positive life despite this background should receive our highest praise. It is very hard to do because most people need love and encouragement from intelligent parents to have a chance in life and this girl didnt get it. The expectations are so low that people who come from this background who have 5 kids by 5 different men and manage to land a job where they get to use the English language in their job while getting off welfare write letters to the editors of their local newspaper bragging of their achievements. Most still laugh at them though.

Those who live this cycle are a huge part of our society and we only see them when they can be used for political gain by the Democratic party who does not care about them, but can use them for their own benefit come election time. They are put out front to push a liberal agenda and they feel important when they are really just showing the world that stupid people make up a big part of our society. Otherwise, they are living their miserable lives and the breeding will only continue.

Good luck Lynndie, you shouldnt be in jail, but did you really expect any other outcome.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Oprah Winfrey

I hate this self righteous piece of monkey crap. I am amazed that someone can have an hour long TV show each day and make all that money for doing it. I am no expert on why people get paid so much just to talk on TV, but she knows how to build an empire that is for sure.

I always thought money could buy happiness, look at ugly ass Donald Trump and the bevy of young women he scores with and impregnates, but Oprah is the exception to the rule. No matter how much money she has, she will be a lonely fat pig who goes home each night to a bed of lonliness. She talks like she is the big helper of the world and wants to right the wrongs but her own life is a mess.

The hypocrisy of this womans life continues to amaze me. I just wish she would go away.