Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ted Kennedy

What a piece of shit this guy is. Back when he was healthy and a young drunken philanderer, he drove a car off a bridge in an area he lived in and should have been very familiar with, only to kill a young woman while he left the scene and covered his ass. Im not going to analyze that whole scene at it took place when I was a newborn, but then I read today about he helped rescue some fisherman. What a joke.

Forget this guys crazy liberal politics, but the only thing he is going to rescue is a buffett table. My guess is he cant walk up a flight of stairs without feeling sick to his stomach. So I had to look twice when I saw the word Kennedy and rescue in the same story. This isnt even a story. Its just a blurb brought by the media to score Kennedy some points with those who dont even take time to read the story.

Basically what he did was that he was walking his fat ass on the beach and he saw some fisherman trapped in the water. He and a friend try to take a boat out to save them(notice it does not say Kennedy took a boat out, and my guess is he was just standing there while his friend got the boat in the water). The boat was too heavy and was pushed back by the rough seas(Kennedy's weight maybe played a factor in that), so they essentially turned back and then the fisherman were rescued by others.

Please tell me how Kennedy helped rescue anyone and why this is a story. He probably called the story in. This is another guy who seeks recognition for doing nothing while appearing to do more then they actually did. People like this are narcisists who have no sense of what it is like to be a real human being who truly cares about others.

Kennedy will be like this until he dies. What a piece of liberal shit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremy, get your "verification words" turned on. It'll cut down on the blog spam.


4:45 PM  

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