Monday, October 17, 2005

Michael Bamberger

This is the asshole reporter who decided to call the rules police on Michelle Wie after a tournament was over and not when the rule happened costing her what really is a small amount of money, yet still more then most people make in a year, and making her first tournament as a pro memorable for the wrong reasons.

Its unfortunate we live in a society where people like to see others fail. Those who pursue jobs as reporters are often those who just never had the talent to do anything so they report on it and try to act like they are all buddy buddy with the athletes or stars they report on. This is not going to be the last time Michelle Wie is scrutinized because people such as this idiotic reporter want to see her fail.This situation is not about Michelle not playing by the rules or someone wanting to report an infraction to right a wrong, it is about the timing of someone who simply wanted to see her fail. If this jerk reporter really said something because he didnt want to be complicit or was just doing the right thing, he would have said something immediately, Wie would take her penalty, and then sign a correct scorecard not causing her to be disqualified. To wait until the next day when she was done with her round to get the process started indicates the true intent of this reporter which was to embarrass Wie. How pathetic can a person get.

Im not a Wie fan and dont really care about golf, but this situation is so obvious. Its no wonder these athletes seperate themselves, act arrogant, and question peoples motives. There are too many people around who do things out of spite just to see others fail so a story can be created.

I wouldnt blame Michelle if she never speaks to a reporter again and I would hope she would never allow SI to do any kind of story on her. I am a 25 yr subscriber to SI and it is a shame that maybe this jerks behavior will prevent me from being able to read stories in the future about athletes who will now tell SI to kiss off when they want a story.


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