Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Joran Vandersloot

This case really bothers me and I pray my daughter is never in this kind of situation where she is going on some trip with friends or with her school and she ends up meeting foreign young men who end up doing what I think Joran did because he feels like he can get away with it which he has in this case.

Joran and the Kalpoes were the last ones to see her and I have no doubt they did wrong and crimes were committed. Their demeanors and lies after the incident says it all. If they didnt do anything wrong, their stories would have been straight. Those kids in that culture are raised on sex and scoring with tourists so they would not be embarrassed that they hooked up with Natalie with her consent or left her alive after an evening of fun if they truly did nothing wrong. I mean even after Joran gets released from jail, he has ads or blogs with his own story making it clear he likes to meet young ladies and that he is a sexually open person. Europeans dont keep their sexual prowess hidden like most Americans. While his cultural behavior is not a crime, if he truly did nothing to Natalie, he would have told the truth about it and moved on and his family would have immediately helped to find the truth.

His lies and inconsistencies, however irrelevant, need to be clarified. What are the exact statements and when were they taken. I dont care what he says now, I care what he said when he was first questioned. If his story is inconsistent about anything, and I believe it is, then the dude did something wrong. Some people may be skilled at lying and get away with what they did as a result of this skill, but people who lie have something to hide. Whether it was murder or rape, who knows, but they are hiding something.

So what happened to this girl if Joran or the Kalpoes didnt kill her? If she was left on the beach so inebriated that she couldnt get home, then Joran has her death on his hands even if he didnt do it. He should have atleast told someone at a hotel or a taxi guy that he left a really drunk girl on the beach so they could go get her is she wasnt going to let Joran take her home because she was being a drunk bitch to him and he wanted to leave. Maybe he left her because he assaulted her and didnt want to be accused. If he just left her, no matter her condition, then what happened. Did she walk into the ocean and drown? Probably not or her body would have been found. Did she get picked up by random South American cannibals who kidnap people and take them to South America or eat them on the spot? Highly unlikely, but if that is the truth then Joran is an unlucky bastard. Either way, if he is innocent, his father should have used his local island connections to help find her immediately after his son came home and told him he was with her that night.

The problems exist and the truth isnt being found out because we have a Defendant who is a prominent resident in a country with a European Culture and justice system who hates Americans giving them the most protection possible. The culture is such that the parents of this kid who are educated and wealthy did not immediately offer sympathy to the Holloway family or pledge their help to find the girl. Instead they resisted helping and protected their own. Guilty people do that, not innocent people.

It also does not help that the Holloways are rednecks from the South who have no media skills and try to project their daughter as an angel when most girls that age on atleast occasions get drunk and let their sexual inhibitions down. Ask any 18 year old in a college or party environment that some of the best girls sexually are the quiet ones who get drunk and show more sexual skills then the slutty acting types like Paris Hilton. I would bet my life Natalie Holloway was better in bed then Paris Hilton could ever hope to be. The Holloways and their daughter are fodder for the media and people to make fun of. If she was from a more cultured northern family, things would have been done differently and Joran and his boys would still be in jail.

This case to me is like the Robert Blake case. Common sense says he was guilty but he was smart enough to have her killed and get away with it. There is no physical evidence in this case either and Joran knows it. He and his father and probably the Kalpoes know what happened. Their behavior says it all. However, with no body and Joran and the Kalpoes now sticking to a story, this case will never be resolved and those slimeballs got away with murder absent a confession which will never happen.

Unfortunately you cannot convict on common sense and the Holloway family, no matter their lack of sophistication, deserve better and Natalie deserved better. Its a lesson for us all because it could happen to any of our daughters and some good old frontier justice would be coming to those murderers.


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