Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Black Community

I know this is not an individual and I could post daily on a race of people, but that Nazi rally and the resulting violence from it made me wonder. Until I actually saw the reports, I was made to think by the liberal media that it was the Nazis who were destroying property and causing violence, but instead it was the blacks who were pissed off because the Nazi's wanted to march.

Why is it when someone pisses you off or you feel your race being insulted do you destroy the town in which you live? No matter how wrong those Nazi's are in their opinions, why do you respond by destroying business, burning things, and attacking police vehicles right in your own neighborhood? Why do you think no one wants to bring business to the black community and white people dont want to live near black people. If the Nazi's are marching, go hang out somewhere else and wait until their march is done. You dont see a bunch of white guys showing up at the million man march. They just go somewhere else and wait until they are gone. By commiting violent acts and destroying property all you do is make the Nazis schedule another rally because they want to see you destroy more of your neighborhood. If you just ignored them, the idiots would go away.

You have to be the dumbest people on earth. Without getting into the stupidity and flat out foolishness of your violent behavior, why would you live somewhere and then destroy where you live when a group who does not even live in your neighborhood pisses you off. You just compound your status as victims, which is what you want i guess so you can continue to have something to blame the white man on and keep the welfare check coming, but it makes no sense. Wouldnt you want to live in a neighborhood that is safe, where businesses can prosper, and people want to move there? I see smart successful blacks move into white sub divisions and integrate with them yet whites dont move into black neighborhoods. When are you people going to understand what you are doing to yourselves. The successful blacks have figured it out.

Its kind of like saying the dumbest monkeys are the ones that crap in their own nest or whatever that study was.

I guess its just a black thing and therefore I wouldnt understand.


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