Thursday, October 06, 2005

Harriet Miers

George Bush blew it with this nomination for the Supreme Court. One of the benefits of winning the Presidency is having the ability to pick who you want on the Court should an opening become available. The 2000 election was vital because the winner would likely get to nominate 2-3 justices during their presidency, especially if they won a second term. Having that opportunity to shape the Court is very important. This world is going to crap and what is becoming morally and socially acceptable is ridiculous.

While the Court does not tell us what to do, their decisions can make it hard on these liberals who want to push an agenda that has ruined what this country stands for. If the Court stays with a majority of conservatives, there is still hope that the liberal ruining of this country will be slowed down, atleast a little.

Roberts was a home run and that choice alone makes Bush a successful President no matter what else he does. But then to be given a second chance at a home run only to swing with your eyes closed and hoping you hit it, is setting yourself up for failure.

While you dont need to be a judge to be on the Supreme Court, it sure would be nice to know you arent nominating someone who used to be a Democrat. Sheesh. Im sure she is nice and smart enough, but a woman who goes through life by choice not having any kids or marrying is not the kind of person I want on the Court. She is not a part of what shapes and molds every day society. Im sure she is a nice person, but her voting record will be inconsistent. Just wait and watch.

There was a whole list of conservative judges with track records who could be nominated and end up being another Scalia or Thomas. We need that. Who cares if the Democrats make confirmation tough. With the numbers in the House and Senate the way they are, even a highly conservative judge will make it. Bush wimped out for the first time in his Presidency when he had the power to make a better choice. The man will never run for election again. He owes no favors so pick a certain conservative choice. Do you think the next Democratic President will skip over another Ruth Ginsberg to placate the Republicans? Yeah, right.

Miers does not excite me. She is boring and unproven and too risky a pick when she should be solid. Bush had the number one pick in the draft and drafted like he was picking a player on the second day of the draft. Maybe she will be a star and is a risky pick, but when I am on top, I want the sure thing. Bush passed over all of them.

I pray he knows what he is doing.


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